a close up of a pink background with a striped pattern

The Ultimate Guide to Spring Cleaning Your Apartment

Spring Cleaning

Finally, spring has sprung — and nothing puts people in a sunny mood like clearing away the cobwebs winter left behind. Even if you aren’t as excited about cleaning as you are about the warm weather, giving your apartment a refresh can have a lasting positive impact on your home life. However, spring cleaning is much easier said than done. 

Start your chore list with this all-inclusive guide to spring cleaning your apartment with ease and efficiency this season.

Why Spring Cleaning Is Important for Your Health

This season is one of the best in Pennsylvania. As the weather transitions from cold, snowy days to warm sunny skies, you may have the urge to hike a few nature trails or take a quick day trip so you can enjoy the next few months outside. However, you may want to take a weekend to tackle your spring cleaning beforehand.

If you dedicate a few hours to each room, you’ll be able to clean up and declutter, something that positively impacts your physical and mental health. For example, even taking time to wash the dishes can help reduce your anxiety, resulting in a calmer lifestyle. Additionally, you can help your community by donating used items you no longer need.

Let’s look at the benefits of spring cleaning and tips you can use to make spring cleaning as straightforward as possible.

1. You Get a Clean Slate

Doing spring cleaning allows you to start the season off with a clean slate. It allows you to declutter your apartment of things you no longer need or want, allowing you to start fresh with a new state of mind. If you have items that create bad memories, you can finally remove them from your space. As a result, you can introduce new items to your space that bring joy.

When it’s all said and done, you’ll have a clearer head and environment.

2. You Have a Chance to Give Back

Decluttering your home comes with the additional benefit of giving back to those in need. From the unused kitchenware sitting in your cabinet to the gently worn shirts in your dresser, you can donate items to organizations in your community. This effort helps the planet, as well. With more than 11.3 million tons of clothing items going to landfills each year, you can do your part in minimizing your carbon footprint. 

Suddenly, spring cleaning becomes a win-win for you, your community and the environment.

3. You Can Catch Up on Obligations

Balancing work, social engagements, healthy habits, home life and chores can be challenging. With so many obligations requiring your attention, cleaning becomes the last task you want to complete in your spare time. Let’s face it — by the time Sunday rolls around again, you’ve only just physically and mentally recovered from the last work week.

Consider spring cleaning as giving yourself permission to stop everything else in life to put your house in order. At the end of the day, you’ll feel a sense of accomplishment and peace knowing cleaning your home isn’t on your to-do list any longer.

4. Your Health Depends on It

It’s no surprise that the state of your home can have a significant effect on your mental and physical health. But did you know that cluttered spaces can make you feel fatigued and depressed — and even raise your cortisol levels? The presence of dust, pollen, bacteria and germs also creates a hazardous environment that can contribute to the spread of disease and infection. 

A messy space creates additional stress and anxiety. Fortunately, decluttering is an active form of therapy that removes dirt and negative feelings. A well-kept space allows you to take control of your environment and create an area that allows you to unwind.

Set Yourself Up for Success With the Right Cleaning Gear

Remember that spring cleaning isn’t like your typical cleaning day. It’s not the time to just catch up on laundry or dishes. Instead, you’re preparing to refresh your space from top to bottom. While you’re completing some tasks that are regular chores, spring cleaning takes it two steps further. One of the most common mistakes people make when gearing up for the big day is being unprepared. Your multipurpose cleaning spray and broom won’t get the job done by themselves.

Here’s a list of items you’ll need to efficiently give your home the spring cleaning treatment:

  • A shower caddy to carry supplies
  • Cleaning gloves
  • Multipack of sponges
  • Mop
  • Bucket
  • Broom
  • Dustpan
  • Microfiber cloths
  • Garbage bags
  • Scrub brush
  • Vacuum
  • Toilet brush
  • Duster
  • Cleaning solutions like disinfectant, glass cleaner and bathroom cleaner
  • Candles or room spray

After you gather your supplies, you may want to set a schedule. Don’t feel like you have to push yourself to accomplish everything in one day. If you want to tackle your bathroom on Monday, you can work on your living room on Tuesday. Adjust your schedule to accommodate your spring cleaning so you don’t find yourself feeling overwhelmed. Some people like to set aside an entire weekend for spring cleaning, but it’s up to you.

Then, get your spring cleaning playlist in order, turn up the volume and get started.

How to Spring Clean Your Apartment Room-By-Room

Now, where do you begin? Rather than looking at your apartment as a vast space to tackle, you should break down your spring cleaning routine room-by-room. This way, you can take a more methodical approach.

1. The Kitchen

Before you dive into more significant spring cleaning activities in your kitchen, you’ll want to tackle everyday tasks like running the dishwasher and wiping the countertops. Then, you can dive into more meticulous duties, as follows:

  • The refrigerator: If your fridge has a distinct smell or a sticky buildup on the shelves, a proper cleaning is way overdue. Throw out any old or expired condiments, drinks and leftover food and wash every shelf and drawer with hot, soapy water. It’s easiest if you remove each shelf, wash them in the sink and then disinfect them before putting them back in the refrigerator. Take additional time to organize your fridge using containers, labels and shelf liners.
  • Appliances: The oven is often a neglected appliance when it comes time to clean your kitchen. Burnt food and grease slowly build up, causing your most used appliance to accumulate odor and germs. With a decent scrub brush and heavy-duty cleaning solution, you can get it done within an hour. Don’t forget the microwave, dishwasher, stovetop and any other appliances you haven’t recently cleaned.
  • Cabinets and drawers: It’s often easy to miss the inside of the kitchen cabinets while cleaning. While the cabinets and drawers aren’t the messiest areas in the kitchen, a quick once-over with multipurpose spray and some organization can freshen up the space. Along the way, you can make a list of things that you need to buy. Don’t forget to clear the junk drawer, too!

2. The Living Room

In many homes, the living room is where most people spend their time. It’s a gathering place for friends and family and is often the coziest room in the house. While regular maintenance provides enough upkeep, your couch cushions may be long overdue for a thorough cleaning.

  • Couches, chairs and carpets: Your carpets and furniture can contain thousands of germs. By hosting allergens and dust mites, your favorite recliner is one of the dirtiest surfaces in your home. After vacuuming your sofa, chairs and floor, use a professional shampooer or fabric cleaning solution to truly clean your seating area.
  • Dust and shine: There are more surfaces to clean in your living room than you may realize. One of the basic rules of spring cleaning is that every surface needs a wipe-down. In your living room, this includes tables, shelves, entertainment centers, windows, ledges, picture frames, screens and behind your television and gaming systems.
  • Lights and fans: For your next cleaning task, look up! The chances are the lights and ceiling fans in your home haven’t seen a duster since move-in day. Use a step ladder to safely wipe away dirt and dust from your light fixtures and fans — you’ll be surprised by how much is up there.
  • Let the light in: Dust the blinds, clean the curtains and open your windows to refresh the entire space. With the weather getting so much nicer, opening your windows will fill your living room with natural light and fresh air. After clearing your windows of streaks and dust, you’ll have a clear view of the beautiful day outside.

3. The Bathroom

The bathroom isn’t the most fun to clean, but its frequent use shoots it up to the top of the spring cleaning list. The toilet, shower, sink and floors are the most obvious surfaces to wipe down. However, there are a few more areas that require attention.

  • The medicine cabinet: As the equivalent of a kitchen junk drawer, the medicine cabinet is a trove of expired medicine, empty bottles, nail clippers, makeup and other items. Purge your cabinet of anything you no longer need or use and take the time to wipe down the shelves and organize what’s left.
  • Drain and grout: No one said scrubbing your shower and tub would be easy, but it has to be done. Use a decent drain cleaner to clear away rust, soap residue, hair and bacteria to reveal a shiny shower drain. Then, grab a powerful grout cleaner to scrub your bathtub and floor tiles. Mopping isn’t enough to clear away bacteria that accumulate in the groves of your bathroom floor. A strong cleaner will restore your tile to its original color and make your bathroom look brand new.
  • Exhaust fan: Your bathroom fan does more than clear a foggy mirror. It prevents moisture from building up and causing mold, ventilates the air and removes pollutants. However, all that works leads to a buildup of dust on the surface and in the filter of your fan. Cleaning your fan will allow the exhaust to do its job better.

4. The Bedroom

Nothing says “welcome home” like a clean bedroom. It sets the pace of each morning and comforts you every night. A cluttered room can make falling asleep tougher since your mind can feel a bit frazzled thinking about everything around you. Giving your bedroom a once-over will improve your sleeping habits and provide you with peace of mind.

  • Bedding: Start by stripping your bed and changing and washing the sheets. Use a microfiber cloth to clean the bed frame and a stain remover to refresh the surface of your mattress. Don’t forget to wash your pillows or replace them if they’re more than a few years old. To make your bed feel new, flip it over. Rotating your mattress distributes the filling evenly and lengthens its lifespan.
  • Swap-out clothing: The changing of seasons also means time to update your wardrobe. You can finally exchange those heavy winter sweaters and boots for lighter summer clothing. Use an extra garbage bag to collect any clothing or shoes you want to donate. A good rule to follow is if you haven’t worn an item within the last two years, it’s time to get rid of it. 
  • Rearrange the furniture: Is your bedroom Feng Shui? Even if you don’t believe in the philosophy, rearranging your furniture can have a rejuvenating effect in the bedroom. Moving a few things around will help you maximize the space and make the room feel completely new.
  • Dust hanging decorations: Bedroom decorations can truly breathe life into a space. Make sure your wall decorations are dusted and updated if you’re inspired by a new aesthetic. It’s the small changes within a bedroom that can influence your creativity and productivity within the space. The most important thing is to make sure your walls and hanging decorations are clear of cobwebs and dust.

Attention to Detail Matters While Spring Cleaning

In the effort of spring cleaning your apartment, it’s easy to forget one or two smaller tasks. Unless you’re a professional housekeeper, you’re likely to miss something along the way. While you don’t have to tackle every nook and cranny, you may want to put in the extra effort to tackle a few extra details. As a result, your space will be much cleaner for longer.

Here’s a reminder not to throw in the towel until you’ve double-checked these last couple of pointers.

1. Baseboards and Vents

Your apartment likely has vents in every room. But if these features aren’t located down by the floor where you’ve already swept and mopped, there’s a good chance you’ve skipped the vent in that room. Unfortunately, a dusty, dirty vent means the air in your room isn’t as clean as it could be. Remember to wipe down the outside of the vents to ensure they don’t have any debris on them.

Additionally, your baseboards can collect dust and dirt over time. Tackling this area will also aid in keeping the air in your rooms clean. If you have allergies, you may find that keeping this area clean helps improve your health.

2. Room Corners

You can tell how well someone cares for a room by checking out neglected areas. This point goes for any space — from restaurants to offices to your apartment. For instance, the corners can tell you how often and how well a person cleans the floors. If you skip the dusty corners of your space, you may have missed other important, hard-to-reach areas that are just as important.

These small nooks are usually the most common home for spiders, cobwebs and dust bunnies. A regular vacuum won’t clean these places. However, you can use a hose extension or even just a cloth or duster to get the job done.

3. Blinds and Curtains

While blinds and curtains provide shade and privacy, they’re also huge attractors of dirt, grime and dust. Often, cleaning your blinds is as simple as using a duster. But if there’s a thick layer coating each slat, it’s best to use a multipurpose spray. Be sure to leave the blinds open to dry so you don’t accidentally damage them once you’ve finished cleaning.

Care for your fabric curtains by putting them in the washing machine inside a delicate bag and hanging them to dry. When you hang them back up, you should remember to open the windows to allow fresh air into the room. If your curtains are made of a special type of material, you’ll want to use the right laundry detergent to ensure proper cleaning.

4. Phone Screens

Did you know your phone screen can contain more than 17,000 germs at any given moment? All of those germs and dirt are then transferred to your skin every time you answer the phone or scroll through apps. Note that spring cleaning isn’t limited to just the rooms inside your apartment. Take an extra 10 minutes to disinfect your screens and other devices to create a safer home environment. Don’t forget to declutter your phone, too! Delete old pictures, screenshots and apps you don’t use.

Extra Spring Cleaning Tips for an Easier Process

Now that you have everything you need to make the most of your spring cleaning venture, here are a few tips to help you along the way:

  • Make a list of items you need as you move from room to room. Do you need more command strips to hang pictures or a new lightbulb for the bathroom? This cleaning session will be a great reminder to finish the small decorative changes often pushed off for another day. Carry a notebook and pen with you as you clean to create your next shopping list. 
  • Invest in an organization system for your closets, pantry and desk. It’s easy to get caught up in the busyness of everyday life, leaving a trail of disorganized clothing and papers in your wake. Now’s the perfect time to organize your closet, storage and crucial files so you’ll never have to look for them again.
  • Use spring cleaning as a transition into a greener lifestyle. With everyone looking for new ways to go green, cleaning your apartment offers a new perspective on immediate but lasting changes you can make to help the environment. Rather than buying paper towels, you can choose bamboo towels or reusable cloths. There are numerous ways to make your apartment environmentally friendly.
  • Use candles or room spray to make each room smell amazing when you finish cleaning it.

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