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How to Make S’mores Without a Campfire

How to Make S’mores Without a Campfire

S’mores — just the name is enough to bring images of summer fun bursting into your imagination. Everyone has their perfect s’more, but the basics, of course, are marshmallows, a bar of chocolate and graham crackers to sandwich the sweet goodness together. Although these gooey and delectable treats are usually reserved for camping, who says you can’t indulge any old day? Any summer event is perfect for s’mores with your friends and family.

Unfortunately, there is one essential component we need to create the perfect s’more — fire. Fire is what magically transforms marshmallows from white pillows to the hot, sugary glue that holds your s’more together. Whether you like them charred black or barely heated, you need a fire.

If you’re camping, fire comes standard. But if you’re craving s’mores in the comfort of your home, there isn’t a lot you can do. Or is there? Don’t let the lack of a campfire keep you from enjoying these essential summer treats. Here we will discuss three ways you can make s’mores without a fire:

1. Utilize Other Fire Sources

Campfires aren’t the only fire source in the world. If you’re having a party with friends and neighbors, why not utilize fire sources more common to the home?

Many houses come standard with a fireplace. So, cozy up and take turns roasting your marshmallows — just be careful not to drip on the carpet.

However, the fireplace may not be the best choice for hot summer nights because it’s designed to warm your home up. A fire pit is a better alternative for the spring, summer, and autumn as it lets you enjoy the outdoors and has more room for people to gather around.

2. Making S’Mores With Everyday Kitchen Appliances

Maybe it’s too hot outside. Maybe it’s raining, or maybe you just want to have some pre-made s’more treats ready and waiting for your guests when they arrive. There are many reasons to use two basic kitchen appliances found in almost every home. S’mores aren’t limited to needing fire as a heat source. You can also use the microwave and the stove to heat up that marshmallow goodness.

To use the microwave, simply place your marshmallow on your graham cracker and put it in for less than a minute. Be sure to watch and take your s’more out as soon as the marshmallow has melted — simple, fast and sumptuous.

The stove is another easy alternative that allows you to cook a bunch of s’mores all at once. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper to prevent a sticky mess, stack them how you like them and stick them in the oven with the broiler on for just about a minute.

3. Grill Them Up

The grill is a summer backyard essential. If you don’t have a fire, use your grill to make s’mores for everyone at your backyard bash. Heat your grill to about medium heat. Then, assemble your s’mores and wrap them in aluminum foil. Once you place these on the grill, they’ll be ready in four to five minutes.

Invite Your Friends to Your New Triple Crown Corporation Rental

Backyard parties are as essential to summer as s’mores. But many who rent don’t have the space to invite their friends and neighbors over for a summer soiree. Triple Crown Corporation has rentals available in beautiful communities throughout Central PA. Let us help you find your perfect rental option so that you can practice these campfire-free s’mores techniques.